Together, let’s reinvent
the world of water

At InovaYa, we are innovating for the change makers ready to :
Improve access to drinking water in isolated communities around the world
Preserve the water resource by treating water and industrial effluents


Together, let’s reinvent
the world of water

At InovaYa, we are innovating for the change makers ready to :
Improve access to drinking water in isolated communities around the world
Preserve the water resource by treating water and industrial effluents

Innovate around water for its sustainable, responsible management

InovaYa develops innovative technologies for water filtration and treatment, addressing the present global challenges of protection and accessibility of this resource.

sustainable - durable - eco-friendly - SDG - united nations


In line with both sectoral policies and needs in the field, our solutions have been designed to be accessible for everyone, sustainable and eco-friendly. They take action for the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

IoT - connected - 0G - 5G - optimization - water


Thanks to the IoT, the operating cycles of our systems are optimized in real time.

They require very few data exchange, from 0G to 5G, allow low maintenance, no consumables and a low cost per m3.

responsible - partners - change makers


We work closely with all our partners, NGOs, government authorities, non-profit organisations, industry partners, that we like to call “change makers”. Together, we are building projects with impact on more responsible water management.

ISO 9001 qualité rigueur certification
ISO 14001 environnement
solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya

Access to drinking water

 We offer technologies for making any source of fresh water, drinkable or for making mains water safe for isolated communities
from 500 to 20,000 people.

accès à l'eau potable - potabilisation - filtration eau douce
solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya

Water and effluent treatment

We offer custom-made solutions for treating industrial effluents and for obtaining water qualities that make it reusable in your industrial process and for eco-products, or which can be discharged in WTPs.

traitement eaux et effluents industriels
solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya

Access to drinking water

 We develop technologies for making any source of fresh water, drinkable or for making mains water safe for isolated communities from 500 to 20,000 people.

accès à l'eau potable - potabilisation - filtration eau douce
solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya

Water and effluent treatment

We offer custom-made solutions for treating your industrial effluents and for obtaining water qualities that make it reusable in your industrial process and for eco-products, or which can be discharged in WTPs.

traitement eaux et effluents industriels

Our values: the shared foundation of InovaYa

All our team members who contribute daily to InovaYa’s success strongly defend and hold the founding values of InovaYa. Simultaneously at the core of our activities and at the heart of each single of our commitments, our values penetrate in everything that we do.

solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya


To foster creativity, innovation and personal development by encouraging diversity of ideas and collaboration.

solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya


Act with consideration for the impact of our actions to preserve our environment and enable us to live together.

solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya


Promoting transparency in every action we take to maintain the integrity of our team and our working environment.

solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya


Act with kindness, protect, show solidarity and place humans at the center of our concerns.

solution potabilisation eau - acces eau potable - solution innovante potabilisation - solution eco responsable potabilisation eau - traitement eau ultrafiltration - filtration eau - station potabilisation eau - station potabilisation filtration - potabilisation eau - filtration eau - filtration potabilisation eau douce - station potabilisation eau eco responsable - inovaya

Team spirit

Working together harmoniously and effectively by sharing common goals, cooperating, supporting and valuing each other’s contributions.”


A team of passionate people

“Atypical” is the word which defines InovaYa. Our history, our status, our beliefs and our values make our company one-of-a-kind; so you can easily guess that the people who work for it are also unique! InovaYa, is a bunch of skills and a team of passionate people committed to the environment and the fight against inequalities.

équipe InovaYa 2023_Who are we


A team of passionate people

“Atypical” is the word which defines InovaYa. Our history, our status, our beliefs and our values make our company one-of-a-kind; so you can easily guess that the people who work for it are also unique! InovaYa, is a bunch of skills and a team of passionate people committed to the environment and the fight against inequalities.

équipe InovaYa 2023_Who are we

What are you waiting for to preserve water?

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