Treatment of water intended for human consumption

An expert in water treatment and membrane filtration for small and medium volumes (between 0.5 and 20 m3/h), InovaYa develops tailor-made solutions to meet your needs. With its innovative approach, InovaYa aims to enable decentralized, local water management by adapting its solutions to suit the source used and the desired use. 


Contact us
2.1 billion people The number of people in the world who still do not have access to safely managed water.
159 million The number of people in the world who drink untreated water
300,000 French people The number of people in France with no or inadequate access to drinking water at home.
smiling girl happy to drink safe, high-quality drinking water

Our report

Access to drinking water, a major global challenge.

Access to drinking water is a crucial global issue, directly affecting health, education and social stability. In many parts of the world, millions of people are deprived of clean water, leading to the spread of water-borne diseases and hampering development. Improving access to this vital resource reduces inequalities, particularly for women and children who are often responsible for collecting it, freeing up time for education and other activities.

On a global scale, theUN's Sustainable Development Goal No. 6 aims to guarantee universal and sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2030. However, the challenges are many, ranging from scarcity of resources to water pollution, as shown by recent crises, including in developed countries. Sustainable management of this resource is therefore a priority to ensure a healthy and equitable future for all.

Our missions
  • Khaled Al Mezayen, President of InovaYa, filling a bottle at a drinking water point in Romania.
  • InovaYa technician, water treatment company, sharing information on his phone with a sister in the DRC
presentation by an InovaYa engineer of the water produced by the unYo potabilization unit to the ARS and the OEG

Our actions

InovaYa supports NGOs and local authorities in the potabilization and securing of water intended for human consumption.
Our experts develop innovative solutions to supply drinking water to rural and peri-urban communities of 500 to 40,000 people (depending on use), from any freshwater source.
Our treatment units are self-contained, mobile, durable and easy to maintain, enabling rapid deployment in remote areas or emergency situations, anywhere in the world.   

Ensure the distribution of a high-quality drinking water according to your local constraints

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Our solutions

To meet your needs as effectively as possible, we offer a comprehensive, tailor-made package combining audit, feasibility study and installation of treatment systems.

Thanks to our experience in the field, we also design and manufacture our own water treatment units, as well as pilot units to meet the most specific water issues.

Our complete offer
Our water treatment plants
InovaYa member pouring a glass of water from a fountain connected to InovaYa's network water safety technology.
Our water safety units
Our pilot units

For Who?

NGO, Community: Are you looking to treat your water for human consumption? We can meet your needs.

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Provide access to drinking water for isolated communities or in emergency situations

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hydraulic technician controlling the parameters of a drinking water treatment unit used by local authorities overlay
Local authorities

Ensure the distribution of drinking water that complies with quality standards according to local constraints

Together, we co-constructing high-impact projects to improve access to drinking water

Saur logo
logo Office de l'Eau de Guyane
Agence Régionale de Santé logo
logo Solidarités International
logo Chasse Sur Rhône
Plastic Odyssey logo
logo association Ivan Patzaichin - Mila 23
logo Agua Greentec
Contact us

Local authorities, NGOs : 

Entrust us with your problems and let our experts guide you.

Discover our latest projects around the world

For more responsible water management and better access to drinking water, we work closely with our customers and partners to bring high value-added projects to life.

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