InovaYa member pouring a glass of water from a fountain connected to InovaYa's network water safety technology.

Our water safety units

An expert in water treatment and membrane filtration, InovaYa designs and manufactures units in France to secure water quality at the point of use and meet the needs of NGOs, local authorities, industries and construction professionals. With its innovative approach, InovaYa aims to enable decentralized, local water management by adapting its solutions to suit the source used and the desired use. 

How does it work?

InovaYa develops semi-standardized water safety units that can be adapted and transposed to the water problems of its customers. These units are made up of a set of technological building blocks, and can be adjusted and combined according to specific needs, the characteristics of the water to be treated, the water quality standards to be met, and economic, environmental and technical constraints. Where necessary, InovaYa works with partners to complete its range of safety solutions and optimize the proposed system.

InovaYa's R&D laboratory can develop an innovative technological building block for an unexplored processing problem. 

Our securing water

Discover our innovative units for clarifying and disinfecting degraded mains water, removing organic micropollutants and treating dissolved metals.

zoom on the aYa water safety unit designed by InovaYa to deliver safe, disinfected drinking water
interior of recYf water treatment and safety unit equipped with filters, pumps and control panel
Our pilot units

Our systems meet health requirements and to safety standards French and European

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ACS logo

Certificate of Sanitary Conformity

The components of our treatment units are ACS-certified. The Attestation de Conformité Sanitaire guarantees that our equipment is safe and suitable for treating water intended for human consumption, in compliance with French regulations.

European Certification logo

European conformity

Our water treatment units are CE certified. This means they comply with European Union safety, health and environmental standards.

With this mark, we guarantee their compliance with European requirements, enabling their free circulation and use in all EU countries.

Our complete offer made-to-measure

An expert in filtration and membrane water treatment, InovaYa has all the skills required to support you throughout your projects, from water quality studies to system deployment in the field. NGOs, local authorities, industrialists, construction professionals, discover InovaYa's comprehensive, tailor-made offer. 

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Together, we co-construct impact projects

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Contact us

Do you need a reliable, long-lasting, self-contained solution to secure your water?

Entrust us with your problems and let our experts guide you.

Our inspiring projects

For more responsible water management and better access to drinking water, we work closely with our customers to bring high value-added projects to life.

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