InovaYa, a water treatment company, is featured in the 2023 mapping of French high-impact startups.

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InovaYa honored in Mapping 2023 of high-impact startups

Digital France, Bpifrance Le Huband the Mouvement Impact France have identified 1,142 startups whose core business has a positive impact on the environment and society.

This recognition underlines the resilience and maturity of an ecosystem that continues to grow and employs 32,000 people in France, despite a difficult economic climate. A strong signal and further proof that France is one of the spearheads of an innovative and sustainable Europe. 

" This latest edition of the mapping demonstrates the growth and resilience of the impact startup ecosystem, and positions France as an essential breeding ground for innovation to meet environmental and societal challenges. If we want these startups to multiply their positive impact, we need to enable them to deploy on a European scale. A harmonized single market and proactive public and private ordering policies for our startups are essential reforms to make Europe the leader in sustainable innovation. These are demands that we intend to put on the agenda in the coming months, particularly during the European elections.. " says Maya Noël, Managing Director of France Digitale.  

InovaYa is part of this map of innovation and French companies with impact. 

Our mission: preserve water resources, an essential asset, to make them accessible to all. This vision, aligned with contemporary issues, makes InovaYa a key player in building a sustainable future. 

And, this appearance in the Mapping 2023 reinforces InovaYa's vital role in building a sustainable future, where innovation and commitment come first. 

Discover the complete 2023 mapping.

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