InovaYa, a committed impact company

Creativity Respect Honesty Humanity Team spirit
Creativity Respect Honesty Humanity Team spirit

   "Promote creativity, innovation and individual fulfillment by encouraging a diversity of ideas and collaboration.. "


"Act by considering the impact of our actions to preserve our environment and enable us to live together."


"Promote transparency in every action we take to preserve the integrity of our team and our working environment." 


"Act with benevolence, protect, show solidarity and put people at the heart of our issues."

Team spirit

"Collaborate harmoniously and effectively by sharing common goals, cooperating, supporting and valuing each other's contributions."

Our mission

Preserving water resource to make it accessible to all

13 projects to improve access to drinking water worldwide
29 projects for more sustainable water management

Water, our commitment

Since 2018, InovaYa has been working every day to reinvent the world of water by promoting sobriety and sustainability. With an innovative approach, we aim to enable decentralized, local water management by adapting our solutions according to the source used and the desired use. To achieve this, we work closely with our customers and partners to bring high value-added projects to life.
As both a Young Innovative Company and a Social Solidarity Company, the quest for ever greater positive impact permeates everything we do. 


"Fall in love with your problem, not its solutions". 

Guided by this phrase since the very beginnings of InovaYa, we believe that a deep understanding of water challenges is the key to developing sustainable, effective and truly responsive solutions. That's why we're committed to challenging our certainties, pushing back the boundaries of innovation, and working tirelessly to ensure a future where water, a vital resource, is preserved and accessible to all.

Our CSR policy CSR

Aware of our key role as a responsible player, we are committed to reducing our water footprint and that of our customers, and to facilitating access to drinking water for all, worldwide. While promoting sobriety and efficiency, our team is doing its utmost to become a benchmark in sustainable and optimized water treatment for small and medium-sized volumes.
Furthermore, as an ESUS, InovaYa places social and environmental impact at the heart of its activity. Inclusion and diversity are also an integral part of our HR approach and our DNA. They encourage us to constantly question ourselves and to innovate through our different talents.

Our commitments for quality and environmental performance

ISO 9001 certification: a guarantee of quality and excellence

ISO 9001 certification is an international standard that recognizes authorities that have implemented an effective quality management system and are committed to customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and excellence.

It is issued by independent accredited organizations after a thorough audit of the company's practices.

InovaYa has been ISO 9001 certified since 2021. A surveillance audit is carried out every year to maintain certification.

ISO 14001 certification: towards exemplary environmental performance

ISO 14001 certification is an international standard that recognizes organizations that have implemented an effective environmental management system and are committed to meeting the requirements of environmental performance, continual improvement and accountability.

As with ISO 9001, it is issued by independent accredited bodies following an in-depth audit of the company's practices.

InovaYa has been ISO 14001 certified since 2021. A surveillance audit is carried out every year to maintain certification.

EcoVadis "Committed Company" badge

We have been awarded with a "Committed Company" badge byEcoVadis for our corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance.

Our history


Launch of R&D for an innovative water purification unit

Development of the first water recycling system for autonomous hydroponic greenhouses in Romania

Adaptation of filtration technology to make a fully-fledged unit for drinking water purification.

1st contract won to curb a Hepatitis A epidemic in Romania and winner of the Chivas Venture National Competition (Romania) for technology.


Creation of InovaYa

Creation of InovaYa by its three co-founders: Khaled Al Mezayen, Justine Vidil and Guillaume Lonchamp

Establishment of the company in Lyon and development of the business dedicated to access to drinking water and humanitarian development aid.

1st European call for projects won: Social Innovation Challenge (H2020)

1st exploratory mission to Laos

1st drinking water installation in the Danube Delta - Romania

Development of the unYo® treatment unit for the potabilization of freshwater sources


Diversification of activities and qualifications

After taking part in Ticket For Change's entrepreneurship program, development of a new business dedicated to industrial water treatment and 1st industrial market won.

Development of the first pilots for industrial water treatment and reuse

Qualification of unYo® by the Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives (IFTS)

UnYo® awarded the Solar Impulse Foundation label

Development of the aYa unit for securing water networks

Winner of the Rhône-Alpes Diversidays competition, then InovaYa on its board


Commitment and partnerships

InovaYa's SSE commitment written into our articles of association and ESUS (Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale) accreditation obtained.

Young Innovative Company (JEI) recognition awarded to InovaYa

1st partnership agreement with Groupe Saur and the Nevers Metropolitan Area for the certification of unYo® by the Agence Régionale de Santé (ARS).

13 new projects for more sustainable water management and improved access to resources


Quality certification and growth

2 patents filed on unYo® operating process and hydraulics

ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification

Launch of a Series A financing round to industrialize our treatment units and grow the company.


Business expansion and industrialization

Developing access to drinking water in the French West Indies

Development of recYf®, a new security unit

2nd partnership with the Saur Group to meet the needs of local authorities in France

ADEME grant for industrialization of unYo®.

12 customers and 16 projects in progress


Company structuring and development

Intensification of industrial water treatment and reuse activities

Moving premises in Chasse-sur-Rhône

Development of new pilots for industry

Winner of the French government's "I-Nov wave 10" innovation competition

Team expansion: + 8 new employees


Digitization and recognition

Development of 3 new digital tools:

Remote machine monitoring tool

Tool for designing and sizing technology bricks

Treatment process optimization tool

Winner of the new IMPACT 40 index for future green unicorns

Development of new pilots for water treatment in the building industry

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Project Manager

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Project Manager

Strong point Adventurer
Weak point The nap

Having grown up in the Grenoble region, I took my first steps in the Alps. Passionate about the great outdoors, I soon discovered the impact of human activities on the environment and nature.


With a master's degree in Public Affairs & Social Innovation from Sciences Po Paris, I worked with various local authorities in the Paris region on access to the commons before moving abroad.


I spent three years working in the private impact sector and then in public development aid. I was able to participate in the financing and implementation of large-scale projects in the data, utilities, health and education sectors, in various regions of West and Central Africa.


Driven by this quest for innovations that have an impact, I joined InovaYa to help develop access to drinking water, as well as to preserve this common resource and the environment.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Student R&D engineer

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Student R&D engineer

Strong point Determined
Weak point The sport

I grew up in Côtes-d'Armor in a Franco-German family before taking my Franco-German baccalauréat in Rennes. I then entered INSA Lyon to begin my engineering studies, specializing in the environment.


Ever since my childhood, as the daughter of a farmer and aware of the importance of preserving the environment, I've been fully aware of the issues linked to water resources, which are crucial to our food supply. Aware of the impact of water management on food production, I have been involved in various associations to defend a sustainable and equitable food system.


And today, in order to reconcile my professional career with my values, I have chosen to do my work-study at InovaYa, where I can get involved in a project that combines social and environmental concerns.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Process Engineer

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Process Engineer

Strong point Voluntary
Weaknesses The puzzles

As a native of both Savoie and Haute-Savoie, I'm delighted to be able to enjoy both regions to the full (long live the lakes and mountains).


Trained as a chemist, I chose to focus on the chemistry of water, and more specifically on processes for its treatment and reuse. Through my work, I have the opportunity to act in the service of human dignity to facilitate access to drinking water, but also to reduce its use on an industrial scale in order to preserve the planet.


Joining InovaYa is therefore an opportunity for me to make my own contribution to the enhancement of water resources, all within a committed team.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Hydraulic technician

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Hydraulic technician

Strong point Patient
Point faible Belgian hidden cameras

Born in Vienne, I'm the most local member of the team, and proud of it! Passionate about technical and environmental challenges, I naturally focused my studies on the water sector, with a BTS in water management and control and a bachelor's degree in aquatic and rainwater environments.


When I'm not solving technical challenges, I take pleasure in enjoying the good things in life, always with a touch of humor. A lover of beautiful cars and anything that rolls, I enjoy a good chat with friends as much as a quiet moment enjoying what surrounds me. My philosophy? Keep it simple, keep it effective, and never forget to laugh.


InovaYa represents the ideal opportunity for me to surpass myself and take on new challenges, surrounded by a smiling, dynamic team.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Marketing Manager

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Marketing Manager

Strong point Kind
Weak point Pancakes

Born in the Drôme and the granddaughter of farmers, I grew up in contact with nature between fields and river. Passionate about life sciences, I completed a scientific degree specializing in physiology at the University of Lyon 1. Curious to better understand the human being and to explore my creativity, I then embarked on a double-skilled master's degree in marketing & biology at the University of Rennes 1, to nurture the two facets of my personality: rigorous scientist and inspired creative.


Deeply concerned about human beings and our planet, I'm keen to put my skills to work in a company with a positive impact. After getting my hands dirty in ecological and sustainable construction, I now have the chance to take the adventure a step further by helping to preserve and provide access to drinking water for all!

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Communications Manager

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Communications Manager

Strong points Creative
Weak point Its super dog

Originally from Isère, I grew up exploring the many landscapes of my region and the south of France, marvelling at their beauty. Ever since I was a little girl, I've had a particular sensitivity to nature and an awareness of the environmental and social issues that shape our world.


As my studies progressed, these concerns and my love of graphic design forged my desire to put my creativity at the service of causes close to my heart. My volunteer experiences have further intensified this desire to contribute to meaningful projects that are capable of having a positive impact on the world.


When I discovered InovaYa, I immediately felt that these missions resonated with my values. With my work, I can create visual solutions, play with words to convey meaningful messages while aligning my passion to serve an important cause.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Sales Manager

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Sales Manager

Strong points Intuitive
Weaknesses Chocolate

Originally from Caen, Normandy, I've always been interested in science. So I instinctively focused my studies in this field, developing my knowledge of analytical methods and physical and chemical measurements, with a commercial aspect.


Then, a few years later, I decided to spend almost 10 years abroad, in England and Denmark. These experiences opened me up to new cultures and enabled me to develop multicultural management skills. I therefore worked in sales functions (from small customers to very large accounts).


Back in France, I moved into the water sector, where I've now been working for 18 years (but there's no need to guess my age...).


Joining InovaYa is therefore an obvious choice, and allows me to pursue my career as an enthusiast while joining a young, dynamic team.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Electrician / Automatician

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Electrician / Automatician

Strong points Committed
Weak point Running

Originally from the western Rhône region, I've been working in the fields of industrial IT, process automation and building/tertiary automation on different types of systems since I graduated.


Very attached to human relations and values, I'm involved in a sports club as a soccer instructor, but also in the humanitarian field, designing systems to provide access to electricity and water for all. For a long time, I've been looking for projects that take these human values into account, and InovaYa enables me to contribute my technical skills to causes that are important to me.

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Data scientist

InovaYa, water treatment company, water management, REUT

Data scientist

Highlights Problem solver
Weak point The sport

Originally from Côte d'Ivoire, I left my country to do a Master's degree in agricultural and agrifood development (agro-economics and statistics) at the University of Tiaret in Algeria. Then I came to France to do another master's degree in Data Science in the agricultural and agrifood sectors at the Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, on the Rouen campus. At the same time, I also obtained a Master's degree in public health, methodology and statistics, in biomedical research, at the University of Paris Saclay. Finally, during an internship in London as a data scientist, I worked on soil moisture sensors, connected objects and the automation of solenoid valves for water management via AI.


I then developed a passion for water and decided to specialize in this field, thanks to my multidisciplinary background. This is how I joined InovaYa as a data scientist, to participate in innovative projects to ensure access to a vital resource, water, by contributing to its protection.

The solid allies of our adventure