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Giving meaning to our work and having an ethical conscience : two mantras that have influenced the professional choices of each and every one of us. Rich in the diversity of our skills and knowledge, our team is made up of people from totally different backgrounds, united by a common goal: to make a positive impact on the world.

    A word from the founders

    "At InovaYa, we are committed to valuing diversity in all its aspects. We've created a company where different backgrounds, opinions, faiths, training and professions come together. This richness is at the heart of our identity. Our dearest wish is to remain united around the values we hold dear: team spirit, respect, humanity, honesty and creativity."

    Khaled, Justine and Guillaume


Year of creation





35 years old

Average age



The little extras of our company

Work-life balance

We are committed to preserving this balance by offering flexible working hours, enabling everyone to reconcile their professional and personal responsibilities.

Pleasant working environment

Near to the Chasse-sur-Rhône train station, our offices are located on the outskirts of town, in a 19th-century house with a shady park. 

Financial benefits

InovaYa covers 100% of basic health insurance and provident fund contributions, public transport costs are reimbursed at 70%, and every month, ecological and socially responsible meal vouchers are issued (Ekip card). Ekip).

InovaYa has also set up a profit-sharing agreement.


All InovaYa employees have the opportunity to take 1 or 2 teleworking days per week.

Our job offers

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Find all our job offers online.

    A word from our HR

    "Being HR doesn't mean having the knowledge to estimate whether or not a person will be competent for their position. My aim is to discover the people who come to us. Over and above skills, I recruit above all a "savoir-être", a "self" that will bond with all the other personalities that make up our great team of talents. It's essential that a candidate who finishes an interview with us has been able to feel the DNA of InovaYa, and therefore knows whether or not he or she can see himself or herself in the company. Every candidate I meet comes with his or her own baggage, experience and family... At InovaYa, they're not just a "number", they're welcomed as they are. We have this HR strength of offering support to everyone through a favorable, present and benevolent social policy."

    Géraldine Lavy-Lassis

    Human Resources Manager

Our recruitment process step by step

  • Review of applications by HR department and manager

    Every application received is taken into consideration and processed. Applications are then studied by the future manager and the Human Resources department.

  • Pre-qualification by telephone interview

    Once a consensus has been reached on an application, the Human Resources department contacts the candidate to find out his or her motivation for the change, salary expectations and availability.

  • Ikigaï questionnaire and first interview

    By e-mail, the Human Resources department confirms the first interview and attaches an Ikigaï questionnaire to be completed and sent by the candidate 48 hours before the interview. This first interview will focus mainly on interpersonal skills, with the aim of getting to know each other better and determining whether the candidate would be a good fit for InovaYa.

  • Case study

    Once the first interview has been validated, the candidate must complete a practical case study.

  • Second interview

    If the application is accepted, a second discussion takes place with 2 people from InovaYa. This second discussion will focus on the position's know-how and missions.

  • Answer to the applicant

    After consultation with the various team members, a response is given to the candidate by telephone.

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